A delicious adventure of solidarity

For the first time in its history, El Pot Petit has been filled with sweet and organic products for charity. Over three editions, more than 15,000 euros have been raised: 4,500 euros in 2022, 6,352 euros in 2023 and 5,000 euros in 2024. All this money has been donated to AFANOC, the Association of Relatives and Friends of Oncological Children of Catalonia.

Les Neules d’El Pot Petit is a project that unites the magical imaginary of El Pot Petit with the gourmet product of Sant Tirs. E2S Creativa took care of the strategic and communicative part of the project.

Throughout three editions, the benefits of the El Pot Petit Wafers have been destined to AFANOC, the Association of Relatives and Friends of Oncological Children of Catalonia, an organization with more than thirty years of experience that accompanies the families of children and adolescents with cancer from the moment of diagnosis and throughout the entire process of the disease.

Front: Quim Romeu & Miquel Romeu (Neules Sant Tirs), Siddartha Vargas & Helena Bagués (El Pot Petit), Núria Sala & Sergio García (E2S Creativa).
Back: Eulàlia Acuña, Maite Golmayo & Narcís Serrats (AFANOC).

El Pot Petit

El Pot Petit is one of the most successful music groups for kids and families, with a trajectory of more than 10 years in the sector and more than 1,000 concerts performed. Through their own musical language with a repertoire of its own creation, the band produces shows and concerts that combine music with puppets, theater and humor – all this giving shape to the magical imaginary of El Pot Petit.

E2S Creativa

E2S Creativa is a strategic and creative company dedicated to position entities and companies in the market, through communication and various on and offline tools.